EconomyPolitics How much more tax will Ottawa levy, and how much will come from the dead? by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout December 19, 2024
EconomyPolitics Capital gains reform really did target the wealthiest by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout December 18, 2024
EconomyPolitics Who are the taxpayers affected by capital gains reform? by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout December 12, 2024
HealthPolitics Is the federal health transfer really growing faster than provincial spending? by Luc Godbout September 12, 2024
EconomyPolitics Capital gains: How to maintain objectives while offering greater flexibility by Luc Godbout June 7, 2024
EconomySocial Policy Canadian household purchasing power has increased despite inflation by Luc Godbout, Frédérick Hallé-Rochon, Suzie St-Cerny December 20, 2023
Economy Des vents contraires soufflent sur le budget du Québec by Luc Godbout, Suzie St-Cerny April 7, 2021
Politics Inquiétudes face à la dette publique en temps de pandémie by Luc Godbout, Jean-Herman Guay November 30, 2020
EconomySocial Policy Do governments have a window of opportunity to raise taxes? by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout, Jean-Herman Guay October 28, 2020
EconomySocial Policy How do taxes and public benefits evolve over the course of a taxpayer’s life? by Michaël Robert-Angers, Luc Godbout, Antoine Genest-Grégoire September 23, 2020
EconomyPolitics Budget du Québec 2019-2020 : l’impulsion aux dépenses by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout, Suzie St-Cerny April 4, 2019
EconomyPolicy-making La bonification du RRQ : une flexibilité accrue by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout January 15, 2018
EconomyPolitics Tous dans la classe moyenne ! by Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout, Jean-Herman Guay May 8, 2017
HealthSocial Policy Revoir le transfert fédéral en santé pour tenir compte du poids démographique des aînés by Jean-Pierre Aubry, Pierre Fortin, Luc Godbout June 1, 2012
EconomyPolitics Taxation et gestion budgétaire : la pensée magique des Québécois by Jean-Herman Guay, Luc Godbout November 1, 2011
EconomyPolitics Équilibrer le budget du Québec : pour une contribution accrue des taxes à la consommation by Luc Godbout, Stéphane Paquin May 1, 2011