This is just a quick follow up on Tammy Schirle’s post, “On the ‘typical’ family in Budget 2015.”

Canadians may be familiar with the story of Henry and Cathy, and their two kids, who have benefited to the tune of $6,640 from the Budget and other measures introduced by the government during the last few years. But just in case you haven’t been listening to the talking points from government members, here’s the page from the Budget document you can find at the Department of Finance web site.

Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 12.01.28 PM
Source: Screen shot from page 6 of Department of Finance (2015),, Accessed April 22, 2015

And here to put things in context is the distribution of market incomes (in 2011) from Statistics Canada (see Table 202-0-201 at CANSIM)

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With an income of $120,000 (assuming in 2011), Henry and Cathy are making well above the median household income, and are clearly in the upper tier.

Miles Corak
Miles Corak is senior scholar at the Stone Center of Socio-economic inequality and professor of economics at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. An unabridged version of this article is available at

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