Essay Competition

With the support of Norton Rose and the Canadian Constitutional Affairs Conference (CCAC), Policy Options magazine sponsors every year the Constitutional Affairs Essay Competition. The competition’s organizers aim to promote debate on constitutional affairs in Canada by publishing the best student essays on the topic and compensating their authors.

The competition was created in recognition of the CCAC’s national conference for law students and constitutional experts, which took place in Quebec City in 2008. This conference focused on Canadian federalism and identity and sought to increase the opportunity for, and quality of, debate among students from across Canada.

2012 Winner
Insite and drug policy: A constitutional tourniquet?
Danilo Popadić

2011 Winners
Constitutional constraints: A case against Senate reform in Canada
Alexander B. Wilkinson

The Canadian securities system: In desparate need of reform
Julia Lurye

2010 Winners
A constitutional foundation for a greenhouse gas reduction policy
Thomas Posyniak

Federal power and federal duty: Reconciling sections 91(24) and 35(1) of the Canadian Constitution
Brian Bird