EconomyHealth How pharmacist prescribing can alleviate health-care system pressures by Peter Zhang, Mina Tadrous May 31, 2022
HealthIndigenous Apologies and promises are not enough to end TB in the North by Chandrima Chakraborty, Pushpita Samina May 10, 2022
HealthSocial Policy We’re too attached to our health-care system to properly fix it by Hannah Gibb, Valere Gaspard May 6, 2022
EconomyScience & Tech Canada needs to grow basic science capacity by Stan Kutcher, Abraham Fuks March 23, 2022
HealthPolicy-making It’s time for Canada to follow Ontario’s critical care triage protocol by Cal DeWolfe, Jocelyn Downie August 12, 2020
HealthPolicy-making Governments are about to face some very tough healthcare decisions by Steve Vander Wal June 19, 2020
HealthPolicy-making Quebec’s clinical triage protocol opens door to discrimination by Trudo Lemmens June 15, 2020
EconomyHealth National strategy needed to tackle Canada’s diabetes epidemic by Kimberley Hanson October 18, 2018
HealthPolitics Ottawa’s plan to change drug price regulations is not good policy by Michael Law, Wayne Critchley October 12, 2018