Here is an excerpt from Multiculturalism in Canada: Evidence and Anecdote. It combines analysis from federal employment equity reports with National Household Survey data to provide a more comprehensive picture of how visible minorities are faring in the federal public service, along with national data regarding the provinces and municipalities. Overall, the picture shows relatively strong representation compared to the number of visible minorities who are also Canadian citizens, save for DND and RCMP, although visible minorities tend to be in more junior positions, partly reflecting their younger age structure.

Federal Employment Equity

Andrew Griffith
Andrew Griffith is the author of “Because it’s 2015
” Implementing Diversity and Inclusion, Multiculturalism in Canada: Evidence and Anecdote and Policy Arrogance or Innocent Bias: Resetting Citizenship and Multiculturalism and is a regular media commentator and blogger (Multiculturalism Meanderings). He is the former director general for Citizenship and Multiculturalism, has worked for a variety of government departments in Canada and abroad, and is a fellow of the Environics Institute.

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